Next Python Workshop Thursday 27 March 2025 at 4pm


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Certified training

Power BI

Discover all the features of the PowerBI tool and become a data visualisation expert.

890 €

24 hours/3 days

power bi

Objectives training

Become a Power BI expert and boost your career. Perform independent analyses, collect, manipulate and visualise data efficiently. Learn how to create compelling graphs and make data understandable to everyone.

Connect and clean
Modelling data
Using Power Query
Dynamic reports
Using DAX
Sharing reports
Process automation

Training leading to certification

At the end of the course, you will be able to take the Power BI certification, attesting to your expertise in creating interactive reports and dashboards for informed decision-making.


Power BI RS5445 TOSA certification

power bi certified

Our programme

24 hours for 3 days.

Monday to Wednesday, 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Supervised by experts, you will work on practical projects to apply your knowledge in real time.

This full-time course is ideal for rapidly acquiring advanced skills and preparing for a career in the fast-growing field of artificial intelligence.

Next training sessions

How to finance your training?

It is possible to obtain full or partial funding for your training.

Our team is available to help you find the solution best suited to your situation and put together your finance application.

Depending on your situation, you can receive CPF, POEI, CSP, Pôle emploi, Agefiph, OPCO, professional transition or regional funding, or you can finance the training yourself in several instalments.

Want to go further?

Join our 8-week Data Analytics bootcamp.

Our other Skills Courses

Strengthen your expertise by mastering the essential data tools you need to excel in your career!