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Certified training
Optimise your data pipelines with dbt and become an expert in modelling and automation.
890 €
16 hours - 2 days
Prerequisites: intermediate level in SQL (knowledge of BigQuery is a plus)

Objectives training
The programme covers both fundamental and advanced topics, ensuring that participants acquire practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios.
Incorporating elements such as version control and workflow orchestration, the course covers the entire lifecycle of data transformation projects.
Training leading to certification
At the end of the course, you will have mastered the fundamental concepts and will receive the dbt Fundamentals badge, issued by dbt Labs. This certification validates your mastery of the basics of dbt.
Training program
Day 1 - Introduction to dbt and data modelling
- Introduction to dbt and its ecosystem
- Installing and configuring dbt
- Creating your first dbt project
- Fundamental concepts: models, sources, tests, documentation
- Modelling data with dbt
- Best practice in structuring dbt projects
Day 2 - Optimisation, testing and deployment
- Optimising query performance
- Data testing and validation
- Automated model documentation
- Environment management (dev, prod)
- Integrating dbt into a data pipeline
- Deployment and orchestration of dbt projects
- Case studies and situational exercises
Next training sessions
How to finance your training?
It is possible to obtain full or partial funding for your training.
Our team is available to help you find the solution best suited to your situation and put together your finance application.
Depending on your situation, you can receive CPF, POEI, CSP, Pôle emploi, Agefiph, OPCO, professional transition or regional funding, or you can finance the training yourself in several instalments.
Want to go further?
Join our 10-week Data Science bootcamp.