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How can I finance my training at Artefact School of Data?

Do you want to improve your skills? Whether you're an employee, a jobseeker, a student or self-employed... Explore all the funding options available to you to turn your career plans into reality!

Financing accessible to all

Your Personal Training Account (CPF)

  • What is the CPF? The CPF is an individual account credited in euros, enabling all working people, whether employees or jobseekers, to finance state-recognised training courses, such as those offered by Artefact School of Data.
  • How much is it? Each year, your CPF is topped up by €500 if you work at least half-time, up to a maximum of €5,000. Less-qualified employees receive €800 a year, up to a maximum of €8,000.
  • Is it easy to use? The CPF is the simplest form of public funding to mobilise, as it does not require the agreement of any third party (neither France Travail advisor nor employer): it's up to you! However, it is important to plan ahead, as there is a minimum period of 11 working days between registration and the start of the course.

Our team's advice

To use your CPF, you will need a FranceConnect+ account via L'Identité Numérique La Poste. If you have any problems creating or activating your La Poste Digital Identity, we advise you to go to a post office with your ID.

Financing for jobseekers

Individual training aid (AIF) with France Travail

  • What is AIF de France Travail? The AIF is personalised financial assistance granted by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) to finance all or part of the educational costs of a training course when other funding schemes do not fully cover these costs.
  • Who is it aimed at? This aid is intended for jobseekers registered with France Travail, as well as beneficiaries of schemes such as the Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (CSP).
  • How much is it? Depending on the situation, the AIF can either cover the full cost of the training, or fund part of it, which can be supplemented with other funding such as the CPF, and in some cases it can also provide remuneration during the training, subject to specific conditions.‍
  • Is it easy to obtain? To obtain the AIF, your France Travail advisor must first validate your training project, in line with your PPAE. It is therefore essential that you present a sound professional project and demonstrate that the planned training is essential for your return to employment.
  • 💡 Our team's advice: To maximise your chances of obtaining the AIF, we recommend that you co-finance your training with your CPF balance. This proactive approach can enhance the credibility of your project in the eyes of your France Travail advisor.

Regional funding to support employment 

  • The role of the regions in vocational training Since the decentralisation laws of 1983, the French regions have played a central role in financing and organising vocational training. They define and implement policies tailored to the specific economic and social characteristics of their territories, thereby contributing to the development of local skills and the professional integration of local residents.
  • Regional funding schemes Each region offers specific schemes to support vocational training, reflecting local needs and priorities. These schemes include :
    - AIRE 2 in Île-de-France: Aide Individuelle Régionale à l'Emploi, aimed at financing training leading to qualifications for jobseekers.
    - AIR in Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Regional Individual Aid, supporting training courses not covered by the regional collective offer.
    - Chèque Pass Formation in Hauts-de-France: Funding to facilitate access to vocational training for jobseekers and employees undergoing retraining.
    - CPF Formations Sup' top-up in Pays de la Loire: Regional top-up to the Personal Training Account for specific training courses.
  • How can you benefit from this funding? To access regional funding, it is essential to :
    - Live in the region concerned: Most regional grants are reserved for residents of the region.
    - Find out about the schemes available: Consult your regional website or the platforms dedicated to vocational training to identify the relevant support.
    - Contact a Career Development Advisor (CDO): This free service helps you draw up your career plan and informs you about available funding.

Financing for employees

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Transition Pro to finance your training and your salary

  • What is Transition Pro? Transition Pro, also known as the Projet de Transition Professionnelle (PTP), is a scheme that allows employees to take time off work to undertake training leading to a qualification, with a view to changing jobs or professions. This scheme provides funding for the educational costs of the training and maintains the employee's pay throughout.
  • Who is it aimed at? The PTP is open to employees in the private sector, whether they are on permanent or fixed-term contracts, temporary workers or casual entertainment workers, provided they meet certain seniority conditions. For example, an employee on a permanent contract must have been with the company for 24 months, whether consecutive or not, including 12 months with the current company.
  • How much is it? 100% or 90% of the average reference salary and up to 100% of the amount of the training. ‍
  • How easy is it to get? If the conditions are met, it will not be difficult to obtain the finance. By meeting all the conditions and taking the time to put together your application, which can sometimes be tedious, you stand a good chance of obtaining the funding. It is essential that you submit your funding application 3 months before the start of the course.

Our team's advice

The employer may not refuse the leave for the professional transition project, except in the event of non-compliance with the conditions or in the event of detrimental consequences for the company. It may be postponed for up to 9 months with the agreement of the Works Council.

Financing by your company

  • What is company financing? Opérateurs de Compétences (OPCOs) are state-approved bodies responsible for helping companies manage the vocational training of their employees. They finance apprenticeship and professionalisation contracts, and provide technical support for the development of forward-looking employment and skills management.
  • Who is it aimed at? This funding is primarily aimed at companies with fewer than 50 employees. The OPCOs can finance all or part of the training aimed at developing employees' skills, depending on the specific needs of the company and the professional branches.
  • How easy is it to get? It all depends on the training you take, your relationship with your managers and the company's HR policy.

Financing for people with disabilities

  • What is Agefiph? The Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion Professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées (Agefiph) is an organisation dedicated to promoting the professional integration and job retention of people with disabilities in the private sector. It offers a range of financial aid and services to compensate for the consequences of disability and facilitate access to training and employment.
  • How can you benefit from this aid? To access Agefiph support, we recommend that you contact an adviser to discuss your career plans and the support available. Then, with the help of your adviser, put together a file detailing your situation, your training project and the specific needs linked to your disability. Then submit your application to Agefiph or the relevant body for assessment.
  • Our team's advice Although Agefiph no longer directly finances certain training courses for jobseekers as of 10 June 2024, it continues to offer aid to compensate for the consequences of disability. It is therefore essential to get in touch with your France Travail, Cap emploi or Mission Locale advisers to find out how training can be financed to suit your situation.‍

Self-financing in one or more instalments

  • What is self-financing? You can finance your training yourself in one go, or in several instalments for greater flexibility.
  • Who is it aimed at? Anyone wishing to finance their training with their own funds...
  • How much is it? Please contact our sales team to find out the price of each course. You can finance your training in 1 to 5 instalments free of charge.
Contact our teaching team to find out more about the funding available for your profile and your training project. Our team will take care of putting the administrative paperwork together for you!

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