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General Terms and Conditions


Article 1: Legal information

Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, this article specifies the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring. The www.schoolofdata.artefact.com website is published by :
IQ Factory, a company with a capital of 1000 euros, registered with the R.C.S. of Paris n°834 673 469 under the number 11755773875, whose registered office is located at 19 rue Richer 75009 Paris, represented by Guillaume De Roquemaurel duly authorised.
The Site is hosted by OVH SAS, located at 2 rue Kellermann - BP 80157 - 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1, (telephone contact or email: 1007).

Article 2: Presentation of the site

The purpose of the www.laschoolofdata.artefact.com website is : Continuing training for adults in digital professions

Article 3: Contact

For any question or request for information concerning the site, or any report of illicit content or activities, the user may contact the editor at the following e-mail address: schoolofdata@artefact.com or send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to : SAS IQ Factory C/O Artefact - 19 rue Richer - 75009 Paris - France.

Article 4: Acceptance of the conditions of use

Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.The publisher reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the site and services as well as these GCU, in particular to adapt to changes in the site by making new functions available or removing or modifying existing functions.Users are therefore advised to refer to the latest version of the GCU, which can be accessed at any time on the site, before browsing. In the event of disagreement with the GCU, the user may not use the site.

Article 5: Access and navigation

The publisher uses the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it may at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages of the site in order to update or modify its content or to take any other action deemed necessary for the proper operation of the site.These GCU apply, as necessary, to any variation or extension of the site on existing or future social and/or community networks.

Article 6: Site management

For the proper management of the site, the publisher may at any time :

  • Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, or restrict access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet user;
  • Delete any information that could disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws or the rules of Netiquette;
  • Suspend the site for updates.

Article 7: Responsibilities

The publisher is only responsible for the content it has published.The publisher is not responsible:

  • In the event of technical or IT problems or failures, or the site's compatibility with any hardware or software;
  • Direct or indirect, material or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage resulting from the use or difficulties in using the site or its services;
  • The intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the unreliability and lack of security of the information circulating on it;
  • Illegal content or activities using its site without its due knowledge within the meaning of Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and Law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

Furthermore, the site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information provided.The user is responsible for :

  • Protecting your equipment and data;
  • Use of the site or its services;
  • If it does not comply with the letter or spirit of these GCU.

Article 8: Hypertext links

The site may contain hypertext links to other websites over which www.lapasserelle.school has no control. Despite regular checks carried out by the publisher, the latter declines all responsibility for the content that may be found on these sites.The publisher authorises the creation of hypertext links to any page or document on its site, provided that these links are not created for commercial or advertising purposes.In addition, the site editor must be informed before any hypertext link is set up.This authorisation does not apply to sites that disseminate information of an illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or that may offend the sensibilities of a large number of people.Lastly, www.schoolofdata.artefact.com reserves the right to remove a hypertext link to its site at any time if the site considers that the link does not comply with its editorial policy.

Article 9: Confidentiality

In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, the site has a privacy policy which describes how personal data is processed when the user visits the site, and how cookies are used.By browsing the site, users also declare that they are aware of the aforementioned privacy policy.

Article 10: Intellectual property

Not only the structure of the site, but also the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications that make it up are the property of the publisher and are protected as such by the intellectual property laws in force.Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the content, trademarks and services offered by the site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorisation of the publisher, is strictly prohibited and would be likely to constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. With the exception of elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site.Access to the site does not constitute recognition of any right and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property right relating to any element of the site, which remain the exclusive property of the publisher.Users are prohibited from entering data on the site that would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance.

Article 11: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.


1. Definitions : 
For the purposes of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the following capitalized terms, in the singular and/or plural, shall mean :
"Student": a School of Data learner with access to the School of Data learning platform.
"Attestation of Achievement": certificate issued to the Student on successful completion of the course; the Attestation of Achievement lists all the skills acquired during the course.
"Courses": courses in the form of text, images or video, created by an expert in his or her field; Courses may include theoretical and practical training, either face-to-face or remotely, exercises in the form of quizzes, assessments and project presentations assessed by Session Leaders.
"Teacher: an expert in his/her sector. They are recruited according to conditions and a procedure that guarantees their technical expertise as well as their teaching skills. They monitor the student's training and validate their skills. In the majority of cases, they are employed by Artefact.
"Mentor: an expert in his/her sector. He or she is involved from the beginning of the course to the end, or even afterwards, depending on the affinity with the student. The mentor is an Artefact employee who follows, helps and guides the student through his or her training and career path.
"Pathway": training in a trade or activity, consisting of Projects and Courses, with personalised educational support from a Teacher and his/her mentor, offered to the Student.
"Project": practical exercises offered to students as part of a course.
2. General provisions relating to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) define your rights and obligations as a Student in the context of a contracted training course and apply throughout the period during which the Services are online. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale were communicated prior to the order, and are recalled on the training contract, being moreover accessible at any time on www.schoolofdata.artefact.com and at the time of the inscription. They are issued by the company IQ Factory SAS whose contact details appear in art.1 "Legal Notices" of the GCU which must also be accepted.
3. Service description

3.1 Prices and choice of route
You can apply to register for any of our certification courses via the Apply header on our website. www.schoolofdata.artefact.com. Your eligibility will be determined by a preliminary interview with the department concerned. The conditions of admission appear on the respective pages of each course, in the training programme, and are set out again at the beginning of this interview. 
All courses are taught in French.3.2 Training costs
Training fees are paid as follows: 
‍Individual financing by private individuals: course fees are paid by private individuals via a monthly payment plan by direct debit via the GoCardLess platform. Students can choose between several regularities for their monthly payment plan, depending on the course and their means.
Once chosen, the payment schedule is defined and detailed in the training contract. A first instalment is requested following the admission decision, as soon as you register and sign the training contract or agreement, in order to reserve a place in the targeted sessions. 
‍Financing by a third party - company, OPCO, administration, CPF, etc, as part of a specific course: in the absence of specific funding conditions, the conditions for payment of training costs by a third party are defined in the tripartite training agreement signed between the Student, School of Data and the funder. These can be paid in a similar way to individual financing (payment plan via the GoCardLess platform) or invoiced at the end of the course and paid by bank transfer: 30% when the invoice is issued, at the start of the course, and the balance 30 days after the end of the service.  
If the funder has special conditions for financing the training, School of Data undertakes to respect these conditions insofar as they refer to reasonable sales conditions in terms of completion and payment deadlines, and to provide the required documents.
The reservation of a place in the sessions in question, in the event that the payment of a deposit is made impossible by the conditions of the purchaser, will be made following the signature of a legally binding document, according to the procedures of the purchaser accepted by School of Data and legally binding: signature of a detailed quotation, sending of an order form, validation of a financing file.
No cost additional to the price of the original Service subscribed to by the Student will be charged without the express consent of the Student. 
In the event that financing by a third party is made impossible due to a breach by the Student (failure to sign the registration form, unjustified absence, etc.), SchoolofData will personally re-invoice the Student for the amount that could not be collected by the financing organisation. 
Failure to comply with the above terms of sale or payment deadlines may result in a number of measures being taken: application of late payment penalties, initiation of recovery proceedings, suspension of the training certificate and/or the certificate obtained.
Finally, School of Data reserves the right to refuse any registration from minors.3.3. Postponement of Training
A single postponement of a session is authorised at no extra cost. The second postponement requested will be treated as a cancellation and re-registration. The rules cited in this article in the case of a cancellation will therefore apply. Acceptance of this deferral will mean that whatever the reason for a future cancellation and/or termination, 100% training fees will be charged to the Student.
It is not possible to change the duration of the course from one session to another at no extra cost, except in exceptional cases, which must be duly justified to the administration. The request must be made in writing and sent by email to schoolofdata@artefact.com or by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the School of Data head office. This request must be substantiated and, where appropriate, justified. It will be subject to the agreement of the School of Data teaching team. Any modification to the Programme is equivalent to a new contract and is therefore subject to the same formalities as the initial contract.

3.4. Purpose of the order
The Training Path is the subject of the order and is made available to the Student as soon as his/her admission has been formalised. This admission includes the provision of all the necessary resources relating to the course.
Once admitted, Users will benefit from the following services: Access to discussion areas with other Users in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Rules and Guidelines of Good Conduct; Issuance of a Certificate of Achievement detailing the knowledge and skills acquired by the Student, subject to the Student's regular attendance and successful completion of the final project; Access to the School of Data alumni community for life, Access to the entire School of Data community for life, Free access to School of Data events for life.
In the case of a training service leading to certification, support in producing the deliverables that are the subject of the skills assessment and access to the final certification tests, under the conditions defined by the reference framework registered with the RNCP In the case of a training service leading to certification, issue of a full or partial state-recognised certificate attesting to the achievement of the skills detailed in the reference framework registered with the RNCP.

3.6. Withdrawal period
In application of articles L.221-18 to 28 of the French Consumer Code, the Student, provided that he or she is legally a "consumer", has a period of 14 days in which to exercise his or her right of withdrawal.
The right of withdrawal may be exercised by contacting the company in writing by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt. The date of this acknowledgement of receipt will be decisive in determining whether or not the consumer's withdrawal has been accepted. The consumer will be notified of acceptance by return e-mail or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. 
The right of withdrawal cannot be applied in the cases referred to in article L.221-28 of the French Commercial Code. Furthermore, the Student expressly waives his/her right of withdrawal by signing the Contract for a course of study which begins before the end of the withdrawal period.

4. Obligations Student
By subscribing to a training programme at the School of Data, the Student undertakes to comply with the commitments set out in the Student Regulations, including the rules relating to attendance at follow-up sessions, and in the School of Data Internal Rules.

4.1. Cancellation or termination
All conditions of cancellation and termination, deferrals or refunds to the Student will be explicitly stated in the training contract signed between the School of Data and the Student. During the admissions interview, the Student will be able to ask any questions about these terms and conditions. and in the internal procedures of the School of Data to which it refers. They are also detailed in the internal procedures of the School of Data to which this contract refers. 
Any cancellation or cessation of enrolment by the Student must be notified by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the School of Data's head office. The date of this recorded delivery letter will be taken as proof. It must also be confirmed by email by the School of Data administration. Cancellations made more than fourteen (14) calendar days after the signing of the training contract will not give rise to any reimbursement. The conditions for reimbursement in this case are defined by the contract and by the School of Data's internal procedures.
The contract cannot be terminated by the Student or his/her legal representative unless, for a duly justified case of force majeure, he/she is prevented from following the corresponding course.
The conditions for deferment and catch-up are also defined by the School of Data's internal procedures, to which the training contract and these general terms and conditions of sale make due reference. 
Any cancellation of the course or early termination of the course(s) for any reason whatsoever will result in the termination of this contract in accordance with the following financial terms and conditions:
- The Student may only exercise his/her legal right of withdrawal if this contract has been signed more than 14 days before the start of the Training Course. If this is not the case, the Student expressly waives his/her right of withdrawal and agrees to pay the following compensation costs in the event of cancellation/interruption. The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the 14 days prior to the course or if the course has already begun.
If the Student is the beneficiary of any form of subsidy (CPF, Pôle Emploi, OPCO, Company, etc), and in the event of cancellation or termination of the training course by either of the parties, the procedures described in this article IX will be applied to determine the price still due for the training service, on the basis of the reason for cancellation or termination and the total number of hours that the Student has or should have taken from the start of the training course to the date of termination. If it cannot be covered by the funder, the Student will owe the Trainer the whole of the sum provided for in article VIII, or the difference between this sum and the sum actually covered by the funder if the latter refuses to cover the whole of the course.

4.2 Terms of payment
Information on the timing and terms of payment of course fees is given in section 3.2. Individual financing by private individuals : Possibility of paying the full course fee in cash. Possibility of payment in several monthly instalments: in this case, the user can choose the number of monthly instalments and how they are staggered. The options available, ranging from 2 to 10 monthly instalments, depend on the total price and duration of the course. The 1st payment is made when the training contract is signed. The remainder is divided up according to the agreed payment schedule, which is set out in the training contract. 
Payment by self-financing can be made in the following ways: Preferably by direct debit, using the secure payment interface on the GoCardLess platform. This secure online payment system encrypts the transmission of the parties' bank details. The Student must enter his/her personal and bank details and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by ticking the appropriate box. By cheque(s) made payable to the School of Data. If there is a payment schedule for bank cheques, it will also appear on the training contract and will be accepted by the candidate by bank transfer(s), or similar transfer, made payable to IQ Factory. This method of payment will be used if no other method of payment is possible or under exceptional conditions proposed by the School of Data administration (e.g. payment of a balance).
Financing by a third party - company, OPCO, administration, CPF, as part of a specific course: payment will be made in accordance with the conditions defined in the agreement with the funder. In the event that the latter does not define its conditions for financing the training, and where it is impossible to set up a payment plan, payment will be made 30 days after the end of the service, preferably by direct bank transfer to IQ Factory's account or by bank cheque.

4.3. Default of payment
Failure to comply with the terms of sale or payment deadlines may result in a number of measures being taken: Application of late payment penalties, Initiation of collection proceedings Suspension of the current service Suspension of the training certificate and/or the certificate obtained.
If the price is not paid by the due date, we reserve the right to demand payment, to suspend the performance of the Services concerned or to terminate the contract between us by operation of law. Any sum not paid on the due date will be subject to interest at the legal rate, without prior formal notice.
Any sum owed by the Student which is not paid on time will automatically and without prior notice be increased by interest of 5% per month from the due date. In any event, any Student who is in arrears will automatically owe the School of Data a minimum fixed penalty of forty euros for collection costs (Article D.441-5 of the French Commercial Code).
In addition, La School of Data reserves the right, fifteen days after sending a formal notice to pay by registered letter that is partially or totally ineffective, to suspend the Service until full payment of the sums due and, if this payment is not made, to terminate the contract automatically and with immediate effect.

4.4 Billing
An invoice will be issued for each order placed, on the date the training agreement is signed. The due date of the invoice will correspond to the payment terms defined in the agreement: at the end of the payment schedule for payment plans, 30 days from the end of the service for external funders. Invoices for orders will only be sent electronically. 

5. Liability
The Student is solely responsible for the choice of Services provided by the School of Data, their storage and their use. The Student declares that he/she is aware of and accepts the characteristics and limits of the transmission of information, as well as the costs associated with the connection, and acknowledges that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the technical characteristics of the equipment he/she uses allow him/her to access the service under the best conditions, in particular with regard to the transmission of documents via the Internet, and to take all appropriate measures to protect him/herself from contamination by any harmful programmes.
The liability of the School of Data may only be incurred in the event of proven fault or negligence and will be limited to the direct damage suffered by the Student, to the exclusion of any indirect damage. In the event of the School of Data being held liable, the total amount of any sum payable by the School of Data may not exceed the total amount of the price paid by the Student for the Service concerned.

5.1. Intellectual property rights
The content of the Courses and Pathways is the property of the School of Data and that of its partners. Trademarks, logos, signs and all site content (text, images, sound, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright. The user must request prior authorisation from the site for any reproduction, publication or copy of the various contents. The user undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited. Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever without the express authorisation of the website operator shall constitute an infringement punishable under article L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. In accordance with article L.122-5 of the French Property Code.

5.2. Personal data
Our Personal Data Protection Policy complies with the RGPD and can be accessed at this link.

6. Applicable law - Mediation
The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, and before taking the matter to court, the Student has the option of resorting to mediation in order to reach an amicable solution.
Any request for information or complaint relating to these General Terms and Conditions of Sale should be sent by email to schoolofdata.artefact.com or directly to the educational consultant. 

Should a contractual clause be null and void, this shall not render the General Terms and Conditions of Sale null and void. 
Furthermore, the temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by The School of Data shall not constitute a waiver of the other clauses of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which shall continue to have effect.